50 Hours of Anatomy and Asana



Hosted by Natalie, Helena and Shelley.

This 50 Hr intensive will allow you to understand the mechanics and physiology of the body. You will learn about the musculoskeletal system and integrate this information for proper functional movement in our yoga poses. You will also learn how to spot these anatomical imbalances in your own practice or if you are currently teaching, spot these in your yoga students and help to assist and adjust these misalignments and compensation patterns. This helps to serve yourself and your students for a safer more aware practice. We will explore a number of observations exercises and practice safe hands on adjustments as well. 

Anatomy & Asana is the only module available for participants to complete individually. It is a significant opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of the anatomical body while practicing yoga. This course is also ideal for anyone who has already completed their yoga teacher training but looking to refresh themselves on this important subject matter. We are continuing to discover more about the body and science is always showing us more to explore.

Singular Module Investment: