50 Hours of Philosophy & The Evolution of the Practice

Hosted by Helena, Steve and Rachel

There is a very rich history behind the Yoga practice. We are so grateful to dedicate two afternoons with Steve exploring the deep truths of Yoga. This intensive will explore the origins of the practice, its traditional scripts and texts and its evolving growth in our modern culture. We will be discussing the philosophies found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and The Bhagavad Gita. We will creatively examine some of the deepest questions the yoga tradition asks of the student and the teacher. We will also dive into the other lineages of this practice as it has evolved over time and guides us into the present. We also discuss what modern yoga looks like and our role in creating safe, inclusive and supportive spaces for students to receive healing, growth, self awareness and mindfulness.

This module is only available for students enrolling in the full 200 hour program.