Anatomy of Meditation by Braydon Mackenzie

My name is Braydon Mackenzie. I am a yoga & meditation teacher newly residing in Hamilton. I have been practicing with In Fine Feather for a couple months and just love the authenticity of everyone involved and the wide array of class offerings the studio has. I have had the privilege of studying with my incredible teachers Dylan Werner, Daniel Rama, Sarah Bonsall & Kelly Smith. All who have passed on to me a lot of the knowledge Helena McKinney has invited me to share with you today.


So Why Meditate?

This is a great question and something that is very commonly asked when beginning a meditation or yoga practice because chances are you are coming to such a practice for the benefits to either the body or the mind, maybe both.

Let’s start with the brain.

During a meditation practice you are working on achieving a “state of no mind” or "stilling the fluctuations" of the mind through single pointed concentration. This act brings the activity of the brain from scattered to concentrated in certain areas. Ones that are associated with behaviour, concentration, memory and emotion. Therefore parts of the brain associated with fear and anxiety become less active. Practicing meditation over an extended period of time can then - through neuroplasticity - change the structural and electrical patterns of the brain. A consistent practice can give you more time between stimulus and reaction, whereas something simple before could set you off now you find you have more time to think and react in a more calm and calculated manner. Emotionally you will feel more in control. Overtime areas of the brain can increase (specifically grey matter) and decrease (such as the amygdala) in size, become stronger and age slower. Many people have noticed a positive effect on their creativity and ability to create. It personally has made me more of a compassionate person and I am more comfortable with myself than I have ever been. You find kindness by looking inward.

Benefits of Regular Meditation

You can also see a plethora of benefits in the body through regular meditation. Reduced physical effects of stress and anxiety, improved body positivity, happiness and sense of well being. Many find it easier to get too and have deeper sleep. It can help with pain management, a reduction in inflammation, improved immune system, better hormone regulation, decreased blood pressure etc. Largely due to how meditation & breath-work stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (calm) and decrease the activation of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) which is pivotal in decreasing stress.

Closer to Self

On top of all of this is how meditation teaches you more about yourself and brings you closer to the Self, the observer that is you. So many people have such a hard time meditating for the simple fact that sitting with your thoughts is not a comfortable feeling. This for me is the most beneficial part of the practice, the spiritual aspect. It may sound kind of out there for someone new to meditation but it helps you foster a connection to all life. The more you look inward the more you realize we are all one, trying to understand our purpose.

More About Practicing with Braydon

If you are at all interested in learning more about the practice of meditation or have any questions you can reach me anytime on Instagram (@braydonmackenzie) or through my website ( I offer private lessons in both meditation & yoga. At the moment only online of course but in person is available when we are able to connect outside again. I also have a guided meditation podcast called “Into Stillness” available both on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Podcasts (hopefully other platforms as well soon). I upload new guided meditations every Friday, covering all different styles. So you can practice with me anytime there as well. I look forward to meeting everyone in the future and to continue to evolve as a part of this community.

Meditate with In Fine Feather

Check out our Online Offerings for more meditations recorded by our staff in various styles HERE.