How to Be Consistent in Your Movement Practice by Meagan Santa

There is so much we can’t control in this season but one thing we can is how well we take care of ourselves. Yoga is an incredible practice that you can take with you anywhere. A consistent home practice is one way you can check in with yourself daily and receive benefits physically and mentally. You don’t need much space and it can be any length of time.


I feel like consistency is my super power! We all have our own strengths and unique gifts so I’m sharing what has been helpful for me in continuing to have a consistent movement practice and how these habits have led into other healthy habits.

I want you to envision how you would feel if you moved your body for a week straight. Imagine having a sacred space in your home where you roll your mat out. What are the other living beings in your home doing while you carve out this time for you? Perhaps one day you break a sweat and the next you keep your movement slow and gentle. One morning you flow for 15 minutes and the next night you give yourself a full 45 minute class. Envision how you might feel on day 7 of consistency. You’re beginning to settle into a routine, maybe your stress levels feel lower and you are more focused and patient.

Hold onto that feeling. That is your drive to show up for YOU every day, especially on the days you might not want to at first. Know that by you showing up you are also stepping into the best version of yourself and bringing that quality of life to all of those around you. It’s a win-win, plus you are a role model for those around you.

So let’s dig into my 5 tips:

  1. Consume motivation daily like you consume food & water.

    When you are hungry, you eat. When you a thirsty, you drink water. When you don’t feel motivated, consume motivation! Who inspires you? Is there a quote or song that pumps you up? Is there a social media account that has content you connect with? A book or affirmation card deck? Start filling your tool box with different ways to consume doses of motivation! Some days you might need a small dose and other days you’ll need more than a little.

  2. Set your space

    I recommend practicing in the same spot in your home. Gradually you can make this space sacred and special with plants or an essential oil diffuser. Before you press play on your practice, have a little ritual of setting your space where you roll out your mat, get changed, maybe make a tea. All those little tasks leading up to practice are cues to your mind, your body and the people in your home that you are gearing up to move your body. Preparation and frontloading are key!

  3. Habit Stacking

    According to Esquire, habit stacking can be, “Also termed 'habit chaining', the process involves grouping together small activities into a routine which you link to a habit already set in your day. This makes the routine memorable and anchors your new habits to an existing trigger.”

    Think about what time of day you see yourself practicing most often. Then what habit are you already doing that you can stack your movement practice behind! Maybe you cue up your yoga class on your laptop right after making coffee or after walking the dog. Make this unique to your routine and as easy as possible to add in.

  4. Have a Pre-Determined Calendar

    This is my favourite tip because it feels so darn good to check something off a calendar or list! I love to commit to challenges where they are 3 days, 7 days, or 30 days. It makes me feel organised and I can plan my practice into my week. This eliminates distractions and obstacles while also communicating early on to those around me that I am unavailable during X time because I’m moving my body! IFF has a 30 day home program, and a 7 day series to provide you with this type of layout to support your practice! Find them HERE!

  5. Accountability

    There will be days when you don’t want to show up. Plan to overcome this obstacle with accountability! If you know me, you know I love to use social media to share how I’m taking care of myself every day. (Search #everydaywithmeag!) I also have an online community of friends and clients who are expecting me to show up. That’s my accountability and I know someone will reach out if they notice I’m MIA. Checking in with an accountability partner, workout buddy, yoga friend or even our IFF Community Page on Facebook are easy ways to give and receive support and encouragement. Plus you can celebrate together when you accomplish your goal! The power of accountability will remind you that you are never alone in your endeavour and you will never regret taking the time for yourself on your mat!


Pick one of these tips and start there. One step at a time. One day at a time. That’s how you build momentum. Before you know it, consistency could be your super power too!

More About Meagan

Meagan grew up as a competitive dancer in Hamilton and found yoga after suffering a knee injury which prompted her to find a form of fitness she could take on at her own pace. She quickly fell in love with the elements of yoga that encouraged mindfulness, increased flexibility and strength. Suffering from anxiety kept her seeking the peaceful and welcoming space at In Fine Feather Yoga in 2015. Meagan felt a calling to deepen her practice and learn how to share it with others, leading her to commit to Yoga Teacher Training at In Fine Feather in 2016! This began a lifelong commitment to her mat and self-study to grow as a student and teacher. Meagan has gone on to study meditation and personal development more deeply, following a certification in nutrition and personal training. She has gone on to teach at various facilities to individuals of all ages, experience levels and backgrounds. 

In February 2018 Helena McKinney hired Meagan on as the assistant manager of In Fine Feather. Her forward-thinking, ambitious spirit and drive to learn as much as she could about business put Meagan in a position to support the studio’s regular needs alongside Helena. With the community and studio’s missions and values at the forefront of mind, she continues to grow personally and professionally within this role finding comfort in the faces of the other team members and students who find home within In Fine Feather.