2019 Gratitude Flashback with Helena McKinney, Owner of In Fine Feather Yoga.

A message from yoga studio owner, Helena McKinney.

It is so important that we honour our past achievements; sometimes reflecting on this is just what we need to gather up motivation and momentum for the year ahead. This annual reflection asks me to look at 10 things I achieved both personally and professionally last year. Some of my accomplishments are small personal shifts that have created a healthy impact on my life. Others are huge, impactful and memorable. The second part of the reflection invites me to explore 5 things I hope to achieve in the next year. Join me as I guide you through a glimpse of 2019!


1. Being on Time

This is huge for me. Being late is something I am known for and for a number of reasons, I really made an effort this year to change this pattern. Being late stresses me out big time. I panic trying to fit too much in, I leave no time to get ready, I drive like I am in Nascar to get where I need to go, and I show up to a meeting or to teach a class with a racing heart. Who am I serving by doing this? How prepared am I showing up when I do this? Am I honouring the other individual's time when I do this? I began to ask myself these questions and I started to reshape my morning routines and how I managed my time. I became more realistic with my scheduling. I now feel like I show up with breath and clarity, more prepared to do the work I love and this feels good. I also feel like it shows a respect to the people who have also carved out time to be with me. I am not the only person with stuff to do.... I admit this hasn’t been successful 100% of the time but it takes awhile to work through patterns and I can see an improvement.

2. Waking Up Early...(ier)

I am also known for being a night hawk. There is something about the late night that feels auspicious to me. Convinced I would get my best work done in the middle of the night, while everyone was sleeping, I would tap into my most creative self. When my life schedule changed, I started going to bed a little earlier to wake up earlier. Turns out, the daylight brings a lightness to my work; I get just as much, if not more, done during the day. I rest with ease in the evening rather than with the pressure I used to feel, knowing I accomplished a full day's work in the morning. I can now spend my evenings in the tub relaxing, going for a walk, catching an extra yoga class or watching a film I have been wanting to check out. It has created more time for personal development and rest.

3. Meal Prepping

In 2016, I admittedly didn’t pick up a frying pan or cook a single thing for the entire year. I was a new entrepreneur and lot of my time was focused on the business. This means, I spent far too much money eating out and relying heavily on the generosity of my mother's home cooked meals. I had to find a strategy to support me in the kitchen. Here it is! Book a day and time to buy groceries and do it every week. Also, my shopping method: purchase 2 fruits, 3 vegetables, 1 carb, 1 snack, 1 spice and 2 staple items. This is so I don’t waste and I am efficient with what I get for 1 person. It helps me a lot if grocery shopping day is also the same as my cooking day. I now have a regular rotation of meals I enjoy cooking, a stocked spice rack and more Tupperware to pack food on the go. I forget to eat when I book my days too full, so it is super convenient when I can quickly heat something up before class. My energy is up, I am saving money and I have developed a new skill for cooking. (Never as good as my mama though).

4. Launching Online Yoga Classes with IFF

This year we launched our first ever online yoga series! It was such a learning experience and I am looking forward to expanding it. It was a challenge figuring out the method for launching it and I can see us tweaking it in the future but right now, it has given me the opportunity to connect with a whole new community of students. The platform has also reconnected me with students I haven’t seen in a long time. Lives change, people move, or circumstances limit them from being able to come to the studio. I am so happy this option is available to them! This also challenged my teaching style because being on camera didn’t feel natural at first. I want to continue to be an authentic teacher and I hope I can translate this in my online platform.

5. Expanding the Namaste Niagara Summer Program

If you haven’t had the chance to experience yoga at Journey Behind the Falls, it is truly an unbelievable opportunity. This summer we extended the program for all of July and August on both Saturdays and Sundays. It took a lot of planning and organizing but gave the whole In Fine Feather Yoga team the chance to connect with yogis from all over North America. It is one of the most challenging classes you will ever host as an instructor, but the most breathtaking experience. Also, who doesn’t love yoga paired with a delicious, locally sourced brunch! It is pretty exciting building this series with awesome partners like Niagara Parks!

6. Becoming a Community Parter with the Neighbour 2 Neighbour Centre in Hamilton

This year the studio wanted to focus on giving back to community. We wanted to explore supporting communities outside of the yoga studio. A part of this was understanding our own privilege and our ability to make some basic necessities more accessible. It brought to light how many people in Hamilton are going without vital resources. We ran a number of charitable donation drives at the studio for personal hygiene products, toiletries, infant items and more. Our students gave back willingly and openly. This is something we plan to continue to do with the support of our new Community Coordinator, Carol D’Alves.


7. Relocating the Yoga Studio and Setting up a New Home

In September we closed the doors to a space we called home for five years and opened the doors to another. This came with so many mixed emotions, fear, anxiety, stress, concern, upset, loss, curiosity, new beginnings, excitement, opportunity, brand new sparkle (yes that’s a feeling) and so much support. The transition was unexpected and took a lot of coordinating. We had classes running at the one studio, while renovating the second. The transition was fairly seamless and I couldn’t have done any of it without the support of my staff, community members and especially, Meagan Santa. She was by my side every second of every day figuring out the logistics, taking all my calls on design ideas and executing the marketing plan. I feel really grateful that people have followed us to the new space and embraced it fully. We have already made some pretty awesome memories in our new home.

8. Hosting our 1st Yoga Retreat Om in India with Jackee Desimone

This past November we embarked on a spiritual and cultural journey to incredible India. This would have never been possible without the passion, desire and meticulous planning by Jackee. This is her baby and she truly put her whole heart into crafting this experience for all of us. Eighteen souls travelled through India for 16 days feeling safe and supported because of the energy Jackee put into this. It wasn’t just the most memorable part of 2019. It is possibly one of the most memorable, impactful, life change experiences I have ever been a part of. India has a little piece of all of us now. I will be going back to explore more of this sensational country.


9. Let’s go to Morocco. Launched our 2nd Retreat

With momentum high, 1 day after opening the studio, I met with Jackee and Meagan to launch a 2nd yoga retreat to Morocco. Why not? Right! - like I didn’t have enough going on and rest wasn’t needed! lol! When you are surrounded and supported by motivated people it is incredible what can be produced. Like generators, our energy feels electric and it lights me up. I look forward to seeing a different part of the world this August and it makes me proud to say this retreat is sold out. Again, a huge thank you to Jackee for turning your love of travel into an experience for our community.

10. Opening my 2nd Business, Emerge Mentoring, with Meagan Santa


I have always known I would own a second business but this one took a few years of soul searching and looking inward to come to life. I have really matured as a female entrepreneur in the last couple years and know that I have stepped into my calling. The more I grow my business and the more I put into it, the more confident I feel with my decision to open a business. I started to look at the strengths I have acquired over the years and combined with my teaching skill set, an amazing partnership with Meagan, a business mentoring company was born. I have a desire for all individuals to step into their life purpose, to bravely embark into the world of being an entrepreneur. The intention is that Emerge Mentoring will provide people with the tools and resources to take this leap.

What will 2020 bring?

1. Exploring more diverse fitness classes. I want to check out new movement studios that have opened recently in Hamilton. This will require me to schedule the time, be open to new experiences and sensations in my body!

2. Register myself for a leadership course or program in community development. I have to do research on this; online classes do not work for me. I am much more attentive in a classroom setting.

3. Read more books, even if they are audible. I want to engage my mind in a different way. I am often given so many suggestions on great books. I could work on my evening routine to include 15 minutes a day.

4. Do more guest speaking and build different mentorship programs; develop an online platform for content as well. Meagan and I are already strategizing plans and events for the year. We have momentum after launching the business in October and we want to get out there as much as we can. 5. Be healthier in body and mind, which means consuming less alcohol. Drinking is something that is so normalized in our culture but I think the effects should be addressed more. This is also a personal choice to see if I feel more clarity and save more money. (More to come on this topic).

Thanks so much for walking with me on this wild year! My heart can not even handle the growth created at the studio every year. It is a beautiful combination of our collective energies and desire to build each other up. Thank you for supporting my dream, my passion, for believing in me and for always raising each other up.

Much love, Helena

Yoga as My Constant. How my Yoga Practice Supports me Through it All by Helena McKinney


I am writing this blog post from an International Airport in Bangalore, India. 

I have officially been away from In Fine Feather Yoga, Hamilton and everything that’s familiar to me for over a week. This is the first time I have done this type of travelling in almost 10 years. Being away has allowed to have some space from everything we call day to day living. It has also allowed me to reflect on all of my efforts, my hard work, the rewards and see where I am today because of a practice that consistently invites me to grow and evolve. The last few months have been a whirl wind and have at times, made my mind feel like it was constantly spinning. So much has happened behind the scenes and through it all yoga was my constant. Yoga always has my back with whatever might be going on in my life. It is an aid to anything I am doing and I am grateful for this type of energetic support. 


This September, the yoga studio changed locations.

We had 3 days to shut the old space down and rebuild, design and open the new space. All the while we were operating a regular schedule, I still taught my usual classes and had to keep it all running smoothly and make the change over to the new location seamless. This was a very good thing, while overwhelming at times because work days were starting to last 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is so important that I landed on my mat to connect inwards and move through my practice. Yoga offers me the space to centre and ground myself through all the chaos going on around me. Teaching regularly helps me to maintain a some what consistent schedule which creates stability and routine in my busy life. 


In September our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program started back up.

We gathered in the brand new space on weekends for the final 50 hours of teaching, sequencing and finding your voice. Graduation was just around the corner so a lot went into preparing these trainees to get out there and start teaching. Even though this increased my work load, teaching teachers is one of my favourite things to do. I receive so much value from doing teacher evaluations. We all benefit from being more mindful with our language and I love receiving gentle reminders of my own through hosting this program. At one of my busiest times, when my energy and mental capacity were low, this was especially helpful and kept me on top of teaching quality classes. No matter what, yoga has my back.


Prior to Jackee and I leaving for Om In India, our yoga retreat to the North and South of India, we had a ton of planning to do.

Of course there was logistical planning that had to happen but we also wanted the teaching component of this retreat to be rich in philosophy and personal development. Jackee and I have put countless hours into curating an incredibly special opportunity for the attendees who are joining us on this journey. We all have the desire to experience adventure and through this practice we are able to travel, go to the birth place of yoga, develop a whole other side to IFF and create life long memories. We sat down together to skillfully plan our lessons and here we are exciting them, what a gift! This practice offers me so many unimaginable gifts. 


It excites me very much to be sharing the launch of my second business, Emerge Mentoring with my cofounder Meagan Santa. 

This has been a passion project of ours for almost a year. Emerge is a mentoring and consulting company that wants to support new or small businesses invest in their growth. We want to be apart of the creative process for businesses and help them get off the ground, strategize tactics for success and support them with any business needs. What makes this endeavour even more special for the both of us? Yoga philosophy is deeply rooted in the core values of this company. It is so important for us as business owners that we keep our services heart centred and full of integrity. Yoga is so much apart of both of our lives that it was built right into our business model. Meag and I have the deepest desire to see people succeed in their passion and pursue their vision. Yoga has guided me into this business mentality and is the constant behind my decisions as an entrepreneur. 


Even writing this, I am reminded of the incredible strength I receive through this practice. Find the willingness and desire to show up for fully for yourself. Yoga is always reminding me of who I am in this world and that I have an important and valuable place within it. Keep following your practice, you have no idea where it might take you and who it might connect you with. I have been able to do all this things in such a short time but I truly believe its a combination of dedication, persistence, passion, devotion and a regular yoga asana and meditation practice. Especially when life is proving to be the toughest, allow yoga to be your constant no matter what. It demonstrates to me a divine inner strength but also a larger force that is perhaps guiding us all, I take great comfort in this. 

With Love and Gratitude, 