What I've Learned From 31 Days of Minimizing by Alicia Giannetti

Spring is officially here. The birds are chirping, the leaves are budding, the sun is shining. People tend to feel more motivated and energized when the weather starts to warm up and this is why I think it is the perfect time to declutter your life. 

I just finished hosting a free 31 day minimizing challenge to clean your mind, body and space! This challenge helps you to purge all the unnecessary, unwanted and unused “stuff” that is clogging up your home. By letting go, you create more room for peace, balance and joy.

The challenge is broken down into 4 themes, a theme per week: digital, physical things, physical habits and mental habits. Each day I share a new challenge. Every day I share a new challenge for you to gradually declutter your space. You can find all the challenge on my Instagram page HERE.



1. Identify your why

Why do you want to simplify? How might your life be better with less? Whether it is for your mental and physical health, saving more time, saving more money, having time to spend time with family and friends, having more time for yourself, ask how minimizing will get you there? 

2. Visualize the kind of space you want, both mentally, physically and digitally

How much do you want to let go of? What does your space look like? When you organize your physical space it helps organize your mental space. Studies have shown that a clean and comfortable living environment reduces stress and therefore increases health and happiness. Just as you fill your body with delicious, healthy foods to achieve optimal health, it’s important to create a home that lights you up from the inside out.

3. Make agreements with yourself

Make an agreement with yourself that you will let things go, that you will only keep things that you love and that add value to your life. Everything you own should serve a purpose. Minimizing isn't about getting rid of what you use, it's getting rid of what you don’t use. It is not about depriving yourself of what you like, it is about keeping the things you use and find necessary. You must commit to making serious changes even if it will be challenging. 

4. Schedule it in

Get very clear on when you will complete the challenge. Reserve at least 15 minutes each day this month to focus on this challenge and to complete your task assigned. Try not to get overwhelmed; you don't have to do it all at once, just do one thing at a time.  Taking small steps towards minimizing can have numerous positive effects on your life.


Given the current circumstances that we all are in, this is the perfect opportunity to declutter your space, to surround yourself with only the things and people you love.

If you’re ready to make a change and get rid of all of that unwanted clutter in your space, join the challenge!

If you want all the eBook for the challenge, send me an email energeticallyalive@gmail.com 

If you would like to learn more about health, wellness, self development, and/or personal growth follow my social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram @energeticallyalive.

More About Alicia

Alicia is an In Fine Feather yoga teacher graduate and active community member. You can find her spreading love and joy online and in person with her vegan pot lucks, sharing challenges like this one, educating on essential oil use and other healthy lifestyle tips.