Getting Back Into the Flow by Meagan Santa

Make the Transition from Summer to Fall with Ease!


The end of summer usually brings a melancholy feeling. There’s the excitement and anticipation of what autumn brings (cozy sweaters, pumpkin flavored everything, fairs) but also the end of those free-spirited warm months. It’s not a surprise we often fall out of routine and struggle to get back into the flow state this time of year. I’ve compiled a few suggestions to make the transition easier.

The Flow State

To begin, according to positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the flow state is a “complete immersion in an activity.” It’s “being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the utmost.” By implementing any of these suggestions, my hope is it’s easier for you to find yourself back in a flow state with less worry and a lot more ease.

Raise Your Vibration

1. Raise your vibration by doing something you love and truly enjoy for at least one hour a day. This activity will immerse you in the flow state and/or keep you present. Going to a yoga class, listening to music and cooking, working towards a goal, reading a good book, coffee with a friend, painting, meditation, working out, etc. Ensure that this activity is beneficial for your body & mind. Watching an episode from your latest Netflix show may be enjoyable but it isn’t necessarily going to raise your vibration.

Gossip & Judgement

2. Avoid the gossip, don’t fall into the habit of judging and/or comparing yourself to others. Instead celebrate the good times summer offered, be compassionate of the struggles other may be going through, don’t assume others have it easier or better than you and stay in your own lane! Judgement and gossip will only cause you to feel negative. If you are interested in deep diving this topic, check out Gabby Bernstein’s article here. “I believe that judgment is at the root of all our problems, from the pettiest disagreements to the most catastrophic world events. Our belief that we are separate from one another leads to gossip and bullying as well as deep divisions and violent hate. Healing judgment is extremely urgent right now.”

Scheduling & Communication is Key

3. Simplify your schedule by planning ahead. This will give you time to access your week, prepare, schedule time for yourself to rest/recharge, ask for help, etc. By doing so, you are also encouraging clearer communication to those around you, family, partner, etc. Set yourself up for success by making this a Sunday night ritual followed by an act of self care. No one wants to start their Monday off feeling frazzled and unprepared.

Meal Prep to Save Time & Money

4. Meal prep! If you practice yoga, there’s a good chance you are mindful of your health. Nutrition is a major component to being healthy, feeling energetic and avoiding unnecessary stresses that come up when we are “hangry.” It doesn’t matter what day of the week you do this- although Sundays usually make the most sense. My favourite meals to prep that are quick & yummy include smoothies, soups, wraps, stir frys, cut up veggies, grab’n’go fruit, trail mix, and oatmeal/overnight oats. Imagine family dinners with half the stress and zero confusion as to what to cook, early mornings with a nutritious meal ready to go, and healthy snack choices. This will not only save you time but also money! Click the links to check out my favourite recipes.

Gratitude & Water in the AM

5. Start every day with gratitude and a litre of water (maybe with lemon)! By pairing these two together as soon as you get up, you are encouraging a positive kickstart to your physical and mental health. Think of 5 things everyday you are grateful for. It can be as simple as a good cup of coffee, taking the dog for a walk or as large as your last vacation. Tip - fill your reusable water bottle up the night before and leave it in your bedroom.

At the end of the day, remember that what we are experiencing is simply an energetic reset and a slow seasonal change where habits are affected, and new schedules are upon us. It makes perfect sense that we want to be going strong 24/7 and falling right back into our usual mode of go-go-go but that’s not possible. Give yourself a break as we all transition through this temporary time together.

Share with other Hamilton Yogis

Please share on social media if any of these suggestions helped you get back into the flow of things this fall. Tag #IFFyogis and #IFFbackintheflow.

More About Meagan Santa

Meagan is a graduate of the In Fine Feather Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training Program and an assistant Manager at the studio. Check out our recent blog post where she shares her IFF Yoga Journey. Come meet Meagan on the mat at In Fine Feather Yoga in Hamilton! Check out her bio HERE and find her on the class schedule HERE.