Love Notes & Reflections from Helena McKinney

Moving Through Another Lockdown


It is now May 2021 and we’ve been living with restrictions and multiple lockdowns in Ontario for over a year. I have a feeling that many of us are struggling; our energy and tolerance is low. We are craving human interaction and a sense of freedom; we are social beings after all. Never in my life did I think giving someone a hug could be so compromising to their health. Never in my life did I have to think twice before deciding to leave my house. Never in my life would I consider an outing to the grocery store as potentially ‘dangerous’. This is EXHAUSTING to say the least; mentally and emotionally, and it drains us energetically. We are processing a huge global crisis and we can even witness how it has left some people very divided on what is happening in the world. 

I live alone and the solitude is not always peaceful or relaxing. I often get restless, sick of hearing my own voice, craving company and truly lonely. I don’t know what I would do without my cat Gus. Saying this, if you are living at home with a full house, kids and partners etc, maybe we can trade for a week, lol. I acknowledge how HARD this is on all of us but I want to share the things that have been getting me through yet another challenging time.

Thank you to the Staff at In Fine Feather Yoga

The amazing instructors at the studio have been an essential glue to keeping the In Fine Feather Yoga community thriving and vibrant. I could not possibly do this without them. Each of them showed up for me the second this crisis began, offering their support both professionally and personally, and I will never be able to thank them enough. Meagan Santa, Stephanie Weiler, Jackee Desimone and Michelle Smith - you are AMAZING humans. The other day a student complimented our teaching staff for how much they’ve shown up for the community through this. Even if they have had a hard day, they show up genuinely, authentically and with their own unique insight to teach their classes. I couldn’t agree with this student more! In addition to being solid instructors and really amazing people, I consider them my lifelong friends. We have shared a very intimate experience and one that we are all very passionate about; keeping In Fine Feather alive and vibrant! We regularly check in on each other to talk about life, headspace, heart space and I can’t wait for us to be all together. I owe you ladies a drink, especially WHEN patios open again. (Hand on forehead emoji).

My Online Course: NeuroScience of Mindfulness

I enrolled myself in a four week online course through the University of Toronto and I am grateful for every second of this program. I had been looking for a course like this for a while. I am fascinated by the anatomy of the body, the physiology of the body and the nervous system. Through some of my previous training, I became even more amazed with how beneficial a consistent yoga and mindfulness practice is for overall health. These practices reduce chronic stress, chronic health issues, mental health conditions, the aging process and so so much more, so when I found this course I knew it was for me. It also came at the perfect time - during another lockdown. It was a great opportunity for me to continue my studies and integrate it into my teaching. It also kept my mind active, interested and motivated. What interests you? What are you passionate about? What have you always wanted to learn more about? There are so many online courses, especially now. Find something that intrigues you.

I never thought I would like online learning but the instructor did an amazing job delivering the content and still making the live sessions social. This course was just another reminder of how innovative and creative we have become over the last year. Our ability to transition and make information accessible is a gift. This course gave me a lot to be grateful for. I recognize that personal growth and self realization are lifelong processes. We are on a path whether we like it or not. I want to continue on a path of mindfulness, self inquiry and constant learning. I’ve also started listening to the audible book, Wherever you Go, There you Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and I would highly recommend it as an introduction to mindfulness.

Finding Peace in Simplicity

This has been a great time for me to dive into and immerse myself in new hobbies. I have found fun little projects that help me stay busy, stimulated and active at home. I think many of us have picked up new skills and I am certain we will come out of this as master chefs and artisans, lol! I have become a botanist… in my own eyes, at least! My house plants and seedlings have taken over my entire house. This all started a few weeks ago (before lockdown) when my mom and I went to the Watering Can in Vineland, Ontario. I was so plant inspired when I got home that I immediately began researching plant health. My plants already got a lot of my attention but this is a whole new level; making homemade fertilizers, solutions to dust the leaves and propagating new plants. Half of my phone calls with my mom and best friend Danielle now involve plant talk. (Which is much better than covid talk I might add). 

Anyone else watch The Crown on Netflix? If you haven’t I highly recommend it. I’ve always enjoyed learning about history and the Royal Family. As a kid, I woke up with my mom to watch Princess Diana’s funeral, and I remember the day she died. My mom and I also woke up to watch the Royal Wedding of Prince William. Then, with the recent passing of Prince Phillip and the family drama with Prince Harry, this last month I have completely spiralled into watching documentaries on the history of the Royal family. My bestie, Meag and I have both been doing this and we laugh at ourselves because we’ve even started drinking tea. She and I agree, Princess Margaret reminds me of myself. I just can’t seem to figure out romance and have been known to enjoy a good party from time to time, lol. 

I am doing my best to seek joy in each day. I am finding it in the consistency of my routine: yoga, mindfulness, house hobbies, books and good films. I try to find other people who share these passions with me so we have something that connects us other than the obvious state of our world. It's not that I am ignoring what is happening, in fact, it's the opposite. I am very aware of how sad our condition is BUT if I did nothing about it, I would find it completely overwhelming and I would be suffering more than I already am. So, I see the negativity that surrounds us but I am doing my absolute best to better myself through it. This takes conscious effort but it is what's making me feel stronger and on the really hard days, it is what's making me feel at the bare minimum, ok. 

I hope you can find some lightness and positive connection throughout your day. When you notice yourself in that space, embrace it fully and acknowledge it as a BIG win. We need to take the wins, small or big, when they come our way right now. If you ever need me I am here. If you want to move your body more, I am here. We just released the Spring 30 Day Home Yoga Program. It is a great offering for becoming more consistent with movement. The In Fine Feather community is a solid group of humans lifting each other up daily. 

Even when I wrote this, I felt happy and excited to share it with you. WIN!
Thanks for being here, 


How to Cultivate a Cozy Home Practice by Meagan Santa

I’ve been practising yoga and working out at home for years now, so when Helena and I began creating the virtual yoga studio with the help of Zoom & Mindbody I was already quite comfortable with the process. I also know that many of our students landed in what felt like unknown territory. With their best step forward we have all started to figure out how to practise yoga at home. We needed yoga so we navigated it together. Now that we know that an at home practice is the safest form of movement and connection, I’m here to make it the most enjoyable and supported experience it can be until we can gather again.


Think about the elements of the yoga studio that you love and miss the most. What do you do when you need a little self care? You are in a unique position to set a space that is perfectly designed for you. When you land on your mat I want you to feel like you are coming home to yourself. A place where the rest of the world gets quiet and your inner voice is loud and clear. Let’s do this together. I’m going to guide you through my favourite elements.

Give yourself extra time before class starts. Collect the items you may need so they are within an arm’s reach. Bolsters, blocks, pillow, blankets, etc. Light candles or diffuse your favourite oil. Incense and sage are also lovely options. I highly suggest doing research on the history behind incense and sage if you choose to use it. It’ll feel extra special honouring the history behind that practice. Tidy the space around your mat and even sweep! Declutter as best you can so your physical space feels ready. 

Playing music is a non-negotiable for me! It sets the tone for my practice. We often include our Spotify playlists in either the Zoom chat or email prior to class. I love new music and have collected my own favourite songs that I enjoy flowing on my mat with. Start building your own yoga playlist or feel free to save our teachers’ playlists when they share them!

Once your music is on place your phone out of arm’s reach! Silence notifications if you can. If necessary communicate with family members letting them know that you won’t be available. This really allows you to relax fully and get back to showing up fully for others after taking care of yourself.

Once you’re plugged into the zoom class, give yourself permission to relax and be still. Maybe read, journal or meditate. You don’t need to fill every moment with productivity. Land in your space and enjoy it. 

If you practised at IFF in studio in the past you’ll remember we had community mat spray bottles that we’d pass around to sanitize our mats and props. It was a ritual practice that concluded the practice and usually began conversations with other students and the teacher. I invite you to do the same at home. Love My Mat has a mat spray we all love and is the same solution we used in studio. You can purchase it here.


Bonus Tip!

I love affirmations and use them daily! Affirmations are simply positive statements you say/read/write in the present tense to evoke a sensation. I love using card decks to guide me towards a daily affirmation. I’ve landed on a few favourites that help me on and off the mat.

Allow yourself to get creative and cultivate a home practice ritual. Look forward to this time when you not only get to move your body, but you also experience deep care and nourishment for your overall wellness.

You can watch my short IGTV with a little more insight here.

Practice with us live and online.

Learn about our live classes here and explore our online offerings here

How to Best Optimize and Balance Your Tech Time by Meagan Santa

“On social media, we’re all plants, leaning towards the sunlight we can’t get enough of, seeking the warmth of likes, hearts, and retweets. But staying rooted and grounded is important. Being intentional about how you use social media and having your own strategy gives you time to process how it’s affecting your life and find what you may want to change.” -Tiffany Shlain - 24/6 The Power of Unplugging One Day A Week

Have you ever felt like your eyes and brain get really tired from technology use? Do you feel creatively drained, experience brain fog or get easily stuck in comparison mode? Many of us have a bad habit of consuming social media and/or having a screen on as soon as we wake up and right before we fall asleep.


About a month ago I found myself dreading the thought of even opening my laptop. I couldn’t stand the thought of opening Instagram or sending a text. I was teched-out! But when I looked at my work to-do’s or thought about my online community; they weren’t the problem. It was my overuse and consumption of screens. I’m a millennial and I run online businesses. I freaking love how connected technology has allowed us to be. I love working from wherever I have a wifi or data connection. But it was affecting my health and I knew it was time to explore this topic to find solutions.

I hope my tips and tricks will invite you to become self-aware and encourage a more mindful habit of tech consumption. It will be hard at first to adjust and break a few habits but trust me it is worth it and you will feel so much better. Most importantly don’t allow a few too many hours of mindless scrolling, Netflix binging, or TV watching to affect how you show up and how often you come to your mat to practice with us. There is a balance and I believe I’ve found a few solutions for you! It’s important because there’s a thin line between enjoying the benefits tech has brought to our lives and it negatively affecting our physical and mental health. Commit to taking deep care of yourself. That means YOU choose when screens are on and you’re consuming content instead of tech running you on autopilot! Are you with me? Let’s dive in!

Do Your Own Research

I’m reading 24/6 The Power of Unplugging One Day A Week by Tiffany Shlain and I’m sure your local library will have several books on this topic to dive into. If you’re more into watching a documentary, Netflix has a popular release called The Social Dilemma. Simply searching on Google will give you thousands of blogs, articles and videos with ideas and perspectives from tactical ideas to more scientific evidence-based research.

Downtime Settings on Apple Products


Technology is intelligently designed to make us want to use it often and for a long period of time. That’s part of the reason apps are so visually pleasing. When I have the Downtime setting enabled on my phone, the apps are all dimmed and have an hourglass symbol. I get a notification each evening at a time I’ve chosen to remind me that my “downtime” begins in 5 minutes. I use this as a signal to put my phone down for the rest of the night. I have the same setting for the morning so I can’t open my social apps until 7:00am. It helps eliminate mindless scrolling before bed and filling my mind with other people’s highlight reel as soon as I wake up.

Schedule Your Yoga Practice Ahead of Time

Since we are often using our phones and laptops to connect with our family, friends and community in a safer manner during COVID or to complete a number of tasks to make our lives simpler (like online banking, ordering groceries ahead of time, shopping, making appointments, etc); it invites us to use our abundant screen use wisely. I find it helpful to schedule my yoga classes ahead of time using the Mindbody app so I have it carved out and I can look forward to it. Mindless scrolling is not going to serve you like a yoga or meditation practice will. Both often require a screen so be mindful and choose what is healthier for you. 

I find myself getting distracted on my mat somedays so I’ve made a new rule for myself to put my phone on silent during my yoga practice and set it down across the room. You are a priority; everything else can wait while you fill your cup up.

Blue Light Glasses


I bought a pair of blue light glasses over a year ago and notice a huge difference in my sleep quality and have experienced less eye strain. Because almost all of my work requires the use of a screen; my eyes can get tired quickly but wearing blue light glasses has really helped. It’s worth a try!

Create Your Own Guidelines

So where can you start? I began observing how often I grabbed for my phone or how often I had Netflix playing in the background. Do this observation exercise over a 48 hour period and write down what you noticed were your own tech habits. Then maybe you start small and try any of the above tips I’ve found helpful and build from there. Creating boundaries for yourself around your own tech use will encourage those around you to do the same or at least recognize their own usage. These little boundaries will add up. It’s incredible how quickly I started to feel the benefits of being more mindful and making intelligent choices like the above. I now have more energy, I’m sleeping better, my creative ideas are flowing regularly, I’m comparing myself less to others on social media, and have found an inner calm that I can hang onto longer throughout the day.

Here are a few more ideas!

  • Unplug from social media (or limit all screen use) for 24 hours once a week.

  • Go for a daily walk outside without your phone.

  • No phone for the first hour of waking up.

  • Plug your phone in to charge in a different room.

You can watch my short IGTV with a little more insight here.