Meet our Community Partner, The Doula Tree!

TheDoulaTree-Social Icons-01At In Fine Feather Yoga we want to ensure that our students have the resources available to them to maintain a healthy and whole lifestyle on and off the mat. Throughout pregnancy women have more specific needs to guide them through this really transformative experience. We want to introduce you to The Doula Tree, one of our community partners in Hamilton. At the Doula Tree they want to provide women and families in the Hamilton area with labour and postpartum support. Here is some more information on what a doula is and how they can provide you with support through this incredible journey of child birth. See the Doula Tree online HERE and contact them for any additional information. T: 905-869-2069 E:

What Is A Doula?

Provide physical support:

As a trained Doula, we have endless comfort techniques to use with you during labour.  These may include massage, position change, walking, swaying, slow dancing, breathing techniques and mindfulness.   We will happily show your partner or loved one all of these techniques so they can support you in the best way possible.

Connect on an emotional level:

We are here to remind you just how fierce you are, in your moments of self-doubt.  We want to talk about your fears and concerns before they happen so you feel confident along your journey.

Share information:

Sometimes this process can be really confusing.  We are here to ensure you feel comfortable with your decisions by proving you with any information and resources you request.  You’re steering the ship while we navigate the sails!

Join your team:

We work with your care providers including midwives, doctors, nurses and all other medical staff you may have present during this experience.  We recognize them as the medical experts and respect their advice.

Believe in your plan:

Whether you wish to birth at home or at the hospital, breastfeed or formula feed, vaginal or caesarean birth – we know you have made the right choice for you and we want to be a part of that! We will always offer our judgement free support because it’s your body, your birth and your baby.

Provide continuity of care:

From the moment we join your team, you will receive phone and email support whenever you need it.  When we are closing in on your expected due date, we will provide 24/7 on call care.  We will join you at home or at the hospital when you are in labour and stay with you in the postpartum period.  Once you and your precious bundle are back at home, we will meet with you again to answer any questions, tidy the house, make you lunch, boil some tea or care for your newborn so you can get some rest.

Never leave you hanging:

If for any reason I cannot attend your birth, you will always have another trained, compassionate Doula to care for you in the way that you deserve.  You will have the opportunity to meet throughout your pregnancy if you choose to.


A Message from Helena. The Time is Now.

15781808_10154820533752768_6491282728915111523_nI feel like its been some time since I have been able to sit and write my thoughts. Which I think is a sign that this past year has flown by and so much has happened. Looking back so much has been achieved and accomplished, but while moving at this fast pace, so much else has been brushed off to the side, forgotten about or neglected. This isn't a good or bad thing at all, certain aspects of my life just seemed to take priority and required the most of my attention to be nurtured this year. I observe the last year; my niece is almost two… already!!!!! She is the light of my life and hanging with her and my sis is the best thing ever. I am completing my first Yoga Teacher Training at the studio; which is a huge accomplishement for myself, the students and the staff. We launched a new schedule in the fall and have brought on some amazing instructors. We've had so many fun seasons from yoga in the park to yogis in the city. In Fine Feather is growing all the time with the support of this community, our dedicated staff and passionate students. I truly can not express how grateful I am to have all of you surrounding me and encouraging me all the time.

Time does goes by fast, the studio is almost 4 years old! It is really important to be healthy and whole to appreciate and be present for this time; to make space for proper rest, healthy eating, nourishing yourself and being surrounded by people who enrich your soul. Somehow I have been so focused on the needs of the studio these past few years, my commitments to appreciating this time have seemed to take a back seat. This is a hard thing for me to admit, but recognizing that something needs to shift is an important and realistic lesson as a small business owner. Seeing as it is a new year and all, this time for reflection has allowed me to acknowledge it is time to achieve greater balance in my life too.

I have big things planned for 2017 in terms of personal growth, recommitting to my practice and time on the mat. Scheduling time for myself to eat well and to read inspiring books that have been sitting on the shelf getting dusty for years. The time is now, when I grow and train, I return to the studio feeling rich with knowledge that I am bursting to share. My niece Heidi will only be two once and I want to be there for her, to share and make memories with my mom and sister.

After reflecting on the past year my only wish for next year is to continue to spend time with those that I love. In fact spend more time with them. It's so important that we take time to be with people who offer us true love, friendship and bring out the brightest and best within us. In 2017 I hope to continue to nurture healthy relationships with family and friends; doing healthy activities and creating soul warming memories. I am grateful that I took some time to acknowledge that THE TIME IS NOW for these shifts to take place.

I share all this with you as an invitation to ask yourself, what is on your back seat waiting to be picked up and discovered? New years should be for new opportunities and reconnecting to a space within us that is waiting to be awoken. What can you do to feel more whole and balanced in your life? What areas are you neglecting that need some nurturing? These are important questions to ask and I find journalling always helps me to sketch out my thoughts and establish healthy steps forward. I am looking forward to the shifts and changes that await us all this year.

Thanks again for your smiles and laughs and love for Gus and love for yoga. The studio continues to be my happy place every day.

Love and Gratitude, Helena

A Message from Helena 'Ambition is in our Blood'

14671105_10154550462342768_7444417417277477076_nIn Fine Feather Yoga was recently asked to be apart of a video for Hamilton Economic Development. The video has just been released and almost brought tears to my eyes. I was honoured that I was asked to be involved in the video and to be recognized as a small business owner in Hamilton. This video is a reminder of why I decided to open a yoga studio. I love yoga beyond words, but I also love this city; 'Hammer Town', 'Steel Town'. I opened In Fine Feather Yoga studio 3 years ago. I am so thrilled to say that after 3 years everyday has been an adventure, a learning opportunity and a chance to create real change in peoples lives. I specifically wanted to open my yoga studio in this city because it is my home town and my heart is invested in the growth of this city. I grew up in the Gage Park area and I really felt passionate about investing in this community. I could feel a shift in the neighbourhood and an emerging and vibrant culture. My personal yoga practice has created so many positive shifts in my life and as an instructor I wanted to share this positivity with a neighbourhood I already love. This video mentions so many things that inspire me to teach and be apart of this city everyday. Please watch the video and share it with as many people you can, so all of us can participate in the growth, happiness, health and wholeness of Hamilton. Inspiration gives birth to more inspiration. Thank you for being in the In Fine Feather Yoga family, investing in my dreams and for contributing to a brighter and more vibrant city.

Watch the video HERE. Hope you enjoy!

Love and Gratitude Always, Helena